POST CYANOTYPE WORKSHOP QUESTIONNAIRE How satisfied were you with the workshop overall? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied How pleased were you with the variety of topics presented at the workshop? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissastisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatified Was enough time for hands-on practice? Yes, it was a great amount of time. No, more time would have been great. What was your favourite experience or moment of the workshop? Would you recommend this workshop to a friend/colleague? Yes No Would you be interested in future workshops? Absolutely! Not at this time. If yes, would you attend a workshop to learn more about: All about gear Lighting groups of 5-10 "Portraits under pressure" - photographing people in 5-10 minutes “on the fly”. Observing Jen do a 5-10 minute portrait then doing it yourself. Is there a different topic you'd like to see covered in a workshop? Anything else you'd like to share or provide feedback on? Would you like me to keep you posted on upcoming workshops? If yes, can you please provide your name and email below Thank you so much for your feedback. It helps me tremendously to shape the content of future workshops.