What inspired you to sign up for this Studio Lighting Workshop? What are you hoping to receive through this experience? Please share your experience/history with off camera flash so I get a better sense of everyone’s level of experience in the group. Do you photograph on manual mode? If no, do you understand the basics of the exposure triangle (aperture, shutter speed and ISO). If no, are you open to doing some reading and learning prior to the workshop? Where do you currently get stuck with lighting in your current photography - or, said another way: what feels challenging in the realm of lighting for you right now? What is your most important lighting goal to achieve by attending this workshop? How would you define this workshop as a success for you when we wrap at the end of the day? Or said differently, what are you most looking to get out of this workshop? Thank you!I’m so excited to be able to help you feel more confident with off-camera flash and lighting dimly lit spaces.